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We make it easy to experience the future of money
1. Get your free wallet
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2. Verify your identity
Most purchases require identity verification. We make the process easy.
3. Make payment
Pay for your XLM with credit card, payment app, or by bank account
4. Track your order
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5. Enjoy your freedom
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Stellar is an open-source blockchain platform designed to facilitate fast, low-cost cross-border transactions and enable seamless issuance of digital assets. Its native cryptocurrency, Stellar Lumens (XLM), serves as a bridge currency for converting and transferring value across different currencies.
Stellar operates as a decentralized network of nodes that reach consensus using the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) protocol. This allows for quick confirmation of transactions and the ability to create custom assets on the Stellar blockchain. Stellar's goal is to make financial transactions more accessible and affordable.
Stellar was co-founded by Jed McCaleb and Joyce Kim in 2014 as an offshoot of Ripple. It aimed to create a financial inclusion platform by connecting institutions, facilitating cross-border payments, and providing access to banking services for the unbanked. The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) oversees the platform's development.
You can buy XLM in the Wallet app in a few taps. Pay with credit card, bank transfer, or payment app and receive XLM directly in your self-custody wallet. Stellar can also be purchased directly on this page and sent to the Stellar (XLM) wallet of your choice.
You can use the Stellar network to send and receive XLM and other assets issued on the platform. Stellar's platform can be used for various applications, including cross-border payments, remittances, token issuance, and building decentralized applications (DApps).